The WebForms class for NodeJS has been updated to the latest version of WebFormsJS, 1.6. The WebForms class on the server and the WebFormsJS library on the client constitute the WebForms Core technology.
WebForms Core is a high-level technology for manipulating HTML tags on the server, introduced by Elanat in 2024. It works both online and offline without requiring repeated requests to the server. With WebForms Core, there is no need to develop front-end (use front-end frameworks or write JavaScript code on the client).
Differences between WebForms.js and WebFormsJS and web-forms.js
WebForms.js: WebForms classes are used in Back-End programming languages. The extension of these classes indicates the programming language. WebForms.php is the WebForms class in PHP and is the WebForms class in Python. Since the extension of script files in NodeJS is ".js", the name of this class is WebForms.js.
WebFormsJS: WebFormsJS is a client-side JavaScript library that automatically communicates with WebForms classes on the server. The physical name of this library is "web-forms.js".
The GIF image below is a example to checks for illegal characters in the textarea text and displays a message to the user.
You can get the sample code of image.